Dr. Julio VolcyDr. Julio Volcy, est le Directeur Exécutif de Défi Jeunesse d'Haïti. Julio est passionné par le partage de l'Évangile, il est novateur dans ses approches, constamment à la recherche de nouvelles façons d'apporter la guérison à sa Nation. Il illustre que les actions miroitant le Christ, propulsées par l'Évangile, rétabliront des vies et la nation.
Reconnaissant que l'Église est le catalyseur de la transformation d'une nation et est essentielle pour qu'elle soit durable à long terme, Julio mène le partenariat entre Défi Jeunesse d'Haïti et l'Église Rendez-Vous Christ. Né et élevé en Haïti, Julio a grandi sans père et comprend ce que signifie lutter pour tous les besoins. Bien qu'il ait terminé ses études universitaires aux États-Unis, il a toujours su que son appel était de retourner en Haïti pour servir son peuple. Julio, sa conjointe Suzette et leurs quatre enfants habitent à Port au Prince. Degrés obtenus: Séminaire du Christian Life School of Theology, Doctorat en Ministère de l'École Christian Life School of Theology & Seminary, Maîtrie en Théologie de l'Université Beacon, Baccalauréat en Arts en Études Bibliques et Théologie. |
Directeur du Programme des HommesErick Pierre-Val
Erick has been working with youth in Haiti since 2000. He has his B.S. in Social Work from the Faculty of Human Sciences (Haiti) and a Master degree from the University of Montreal (Canada) Erick has previously held the position of Program and Advocacy Officer at Micah Challenge. Before Becoming the Men's Program Director at Haiti Teen Challenge, Erick served as Youth Pastor at Rendez Vou Christ Church. He is currently taking a courses in theology online. Erick and wife are married and have two beautiful daughters. Above all, Erick is a servant of God who receives a call to make a difference in the lives of young people with a difficult past. He stands beside young people because the new Haiti depends on God first and then on them. "Haiti is kneeling, she needs brave young people to get up from the ashes." |
Directrice du Programmes des FemmesNerlande's Bio
Leadership Is Made For Service
Haiti Teen Challenge is led and owed by Haitians. The US Board works in coordination with the Haitian leadership team and the HTC Foundation Board acknowledging that our role is not about about how we're going to fix Haiti, but how we are going to walk together with our Haitian brothers and sisters, establishing trust, supporting their leadership, helping them to recognize their resources, build leadership capacity and develop strategy to achieve deep and lasting change.
The HTC Board ensures adherence to mission and accountability by creating a strong strategic plan, communicating strategic direction, monitoring financials, program outcomes and key performance indicators and ensuring that every board decision and goal is to make HTC Haitian Owed, Haitian Led, Haitian supported, and Haitian driven. The HTC Board also acts as the volunteer staff for administration and fundraising in the US.