En fonction de Éphésiens 6:18, The Message Bible, la prière est essentielle dans cette guerre en cours. Priez ardemment et longuement. Priez pour vos frères et sœurs. Gardez les yeux ouverts. Gardez le moral de l'autre afin que personne ne tombe derrière et abandonne.
You may not be able to travel to Haiti but you can pray for the young men and women at HTC and pray for their nation. The challenges are great and they need the encouragement of knowing that other believers are praying for them. The first Wednesday of every month our HTC staff, students, HTC Board and Foundation and our HTC friends set aside time to pray...
You may not be able to travel to Haiti but you can pray for the young men and women at HTC and pray for their nation. The challenges are great and they need the encouragement of knowing that other believers are praying for them. The first Wednesday of every month our HTC staff, students, HTC Board and Foundation and our HTC friends set aside time to pray...